Educational Messages to School Children for combating the Covid-19
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Covid-19 is a type of virus that can cause respiratory disease in animals and people. The spread of Covid-19 increases day by day rapidly through droplets of saliva when an infected person coughs or sneezes. This attitude need to be taught to school children as those who are vulnerable to this virus. One of the preventive ways is tha to share information about Covid-19 through educational talks in general. Despite that method, distributing online leaflets through social media such ae Instagram and videos through YouTube may be other alternatives of socialization formats. Considering those channels of communication, this community service program was designed to increase public awareness, especially school children in Tatah Mesjid Village, in preventing the Covid-19 spread. The implimentation of this acivity, for the future hope, is expected to build personal awareness of school children to do preventive attempts of the Covid-19 spread.
Article Details
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